Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Oh No No List

Everyone has a list of traits that they want in a significant other. Whether they be physical, mental or emotional, both men and women alike have an idea of what they are looking for in a mate. Some traits can be very obvious, like wanting to date someone who is respectful. However, what about those little traits we often look for that aren't always so textbook. Those traits that not everyone thinks a great or would even want in a potential partner. For example, what if you are super into Harry Potter and a man tells you on a date that he tried to read the books and tried to watch the movie, but he couldn't get into it - would you write him off? I know I would! Sometimes, its the quirkiest of things that cause one to be attracted to another. Thanks to Aziz Ansari, I have come up with my own list of quirky traits that I call my "oh no no's." Basically, if someone has processes one of my "oh no no" traits, I will question on whether or not I would like to continue to date this person.  I thought that I would share of few of my "oh no no's" in the list below. Enjoy!

My Oh No No's!

1. He has bad teeth - As my bestie always says, "bad teeth, bad guy"
2. He doesn't know 80's pop music - If you can't get down to Whitney Houston, then I can't get down with you.
3. He says that he is an "entrepreneur" - I understand that this is NYC and people have crazy careers and wild dreams, but to me this sounds like a glorified way to say I'm unemployed.
4. He hates the outdoors - I come from the sticks; please know how to bait a hook.
5. He loves to watch Golf Network - Golf is the most boring sport of all time. I would get more enjoyment out of watching paint dry.
6. He thinks Fireball is whiskey - This needs no explanation.
7. He is a Flyers fan or a Ravens fan - Gross, please up your standards to the black and gold.
8. He eats gluten free, vegan bullshit all the time - Unless you actually have celiac disease and/or a medical need to eat this way, go get me a pizza and get lost.
9. He is good on paper... - In the words of Samantha Jones, "good on paper, bad in bed."
10. He says sending flowers is a waste of time and/or money- Some girls may think this is a waste too, but they look beautiful and smell great. Sometimes you just need that pick me up? Am I right?

So sure, these things are totally silly, but I bed everyone out there has a few things that would make it on their "oh no no" list. And if for some reason you don't, then you either need to get out there more or up your standards! Cheers!

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