Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Murder Ave

I have to admit that there are so many gorgeous brownstones in Fort Greene. The neighborhood and park are really wonderful.  There were also a lot of families residing in the area, which made it seem safe and livable. I truly loved my walks through this neighborhood while living in Brooklyn.  Now with that being said, I was not a fan of living half a block from Murder – excuse me – Myrtle Avenue. As soon as you step foot onto that street, you feel like have entered a Jay Z song. No more cute brownstones, no more cute families and wait a second? Am I being cat called? Yes thank you, I know my “ass be so fine” but I’m too busy for this nonsense; I am just trying to find a grocery store that isn’t run by someone who doesn’t speak English. I also love how close it is to the projects. It really makes the neighborhood!

One of my favorite experiences on Murder Ave, was purchasing vodka at a nearby store. I was so thrilled to learn of a liquor store being located around the corner of my apartment. Not because I am an alcoholic, but because in Western PA, the closest liquor store was twenty minutes away. Ah New York and it’s many conveniences! When I first enter the store, I see nothing to my left and only a giant glass window to my right.  That’s right – the liquor was kept behind a thick glass wall.  I still wonder to this day if it was bullet proof.  As scary as that experience was, since NYC living requires so much walking and I am usually lazy, I returned many times after.  The cashier even knew my name #classy.  Now that I am more of a seasoned New Yorker in training, I realize that this is actually quite normal in many parts of the city. In fact, things that used to shock me here, hardly phase me now. I consider this a win!

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