Wednesday, February 5, 2014

L.A. or Manhattan?


After meeting with my professor, I had come to learn that he had absolutely no faith in my abilities to be selected for a co-op position. I believe his exact words were “you are my wildcard that I am throwing into the interview process because I am not really sure of your ability to do this job.”  I totally thought, “Wow; thanks a lot asshole.”  After hearing this, anyone who knows anything about me would know what I did next. I left his office, hopped in my car and blasted Justin Timberlake all the way to the mall. If this girl was going to succeed, I needed a flashy new outfit.

I found out a few days later that I had an interview with the LA office.  This office has been known to be the most selective and always wants to schedule interviews immediately so they can acquire the best student. I knew I could do LA. Great weather, hot people, nice beaches, what’s not to love? On the day of my interview, I was pretty nervous and the interview was done via video conference so it was a very strange set-up. I thought I did fabulously and went home to plan my new life in LA.

The next day, I receive an email from my professor with some interesting news. He informed me that LA loved meeting with me and that they thought my writing sample was excellent.  I was told they were deciding between me and another student at my school.  I was also informed that the other LA office was interested in me, but they wanted a 5 year commitment after graduation. Whoa – 5 years in LA? That was some pretty wild news. This was a great spot to be in and I was quite pleased that my professor was probably regretting what he had said. Sucker.

Now what happened over the next few days was quite a blur.  I found out that I didn’t get the position in LA.  However, the managing director called me personally and told me how impressed she was with my interview. She informed me that I had her recommendation for any other office I interviewed with.  She also urged me to consider the 5 year deal with the other LA office. I was definitely not ready to make that kind of move. Soon after, I got an insane amount of phone calls for various offices in North Carolina, Texas, Ohio, Nevada and New York.  It wasn’t until the Manhattan office called me that I got extremely excited and I scheduled my interview right away.

On the day of my interview, I was heading out of town to see my bestie in upstate New York for the weekend. Wine tour – what’s up!? I was so excited about my trip that I didn’t have time to get nervous for Manhattan. I had plenty of other offices lined up for interviews so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Needless to say, I nailed the interview.  At the end, the managing director asked, “so Nicole are you ready for the big apple?” They called me later that day to offer me the job.  I screamed with excitement driving down the highway ironically traveling to my soon to be new state of residence. So needless to say - I partied my face off and below is a photo from the celebratory wine weekend.


Oh and by the way, the student that the LA office chose from my school – he was in the military and got preference for the job. And then the idiot failed the background screen because he had a DUI on his record so no LA for him.

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